PEYC Professionalizing European Youth Circuses
PEYC (Professionalizing European Youth Circuses) project aims to increase the professional competencies of circus teachers and trainers and improve the quality of youth work done in youth circuses across Europe.
During the project, different training courses will be organised for circus trainers and teachers as well as for youth circus leaders and other administrative staff.
PEYC aims to encourage the people working in the youth circuses to understand their role as a youth worker and to appreciate it. Besides being just a pastime activity, circus can also be an efficient tool to increase social inclusion and physical and social well-being.
PEYC is a collaborative project by 9 European youth circus umbrella organisations and it is funded by Erasmus+ -program
In PEYC project, there will be two different kind of activities organized: CATE basic trainer course for people who want to become circus trainers, and Master Classes for more experienced circus trainers and other staff of youth circuses.
The aim of the pedagogical Master Classes is to increase the skills, motivation and professional identity of the experienced circus trainers by providing them new pedagogical tools and an opportunity to exchange competencies and good practices with other experienced trainers.
The pedagogical Master Classes will focus on a certain theme, such as identity or safety, that will be studied through a certain circus discipline.
- per la Finlandia: Suomen NuorisoSirkusliitto ry - Helsinki - FI (Capofila)
- per la Germania: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Zirkuspädagogik e.V. - Berlin - DE (Capofila)
- per il Belgio: Vlaams Centrum Voor Circuskunsten Vzw - Gent - BE (Partner)
- per la Danimarca: Cirkus Tværs af 1990 - Brabrand - DK (Partner)
- per la Francia: Fédération Française des Ecoles de Cirque - PARIS - FR (Partner)
- per la Gran Bretagna: Circus Works - UK (Partner)
- per l'Olanda: Circomundo - Amsterdam - NL (Partner)
- per l'Italia: Ass Giocolieri e Dintorni - Civitavecchia - RM - IT (Partner)
- per la Spagna: Plataforma Espanola Escuela de Circo - ES (Partner)
Masterclass di Aerea
Gent (Belgio)
13/18 dicembre 2015
Masterclass di Equilibrismo
Strasburgo (Francia)
17/22 gennaio 2016
Masterclass di Acrobatica al suolo e di coppia
Helsinki (Finlandia)
29 giugno / 3 luglio 2016
Masterclass di Giocoleria
Torino (Italia)
28 ottobre / 1 novembre 2016